Sunday, April 18, 2010

Take Me Out to the BallGame!

Yeah for Target Field! I did not think we would have an opportunity to visit the new ball park this year, but what do you know...
We found ourselves at the ballgame today and fell in love with our new outdoor park!
Isn't she a beauty?!
It is hard to see, but this is my boyfriend Joe at bat. (winks)
This, my friends is a Juicy Lucy!
Yes, this came from that...
I felt guilty for eating the Juicy Lucy so I ordered this to get some veggies in. I am so health concious.
Target Field is Green. Here is the sign explaining what to do if you go number two.

Golden Glovers


Saturday, April 17, 2010


This week has been full of lovely surprises...

I had huge sewing plans over spring break, but they fell through due to an ugly fight I had with my sewing machine. She had to be taken in... When I called for an estimate, shop man said it would take several days and about 50 dollars. GROSS! I finally went to drop her off on Thursday. Shop man fixed her on the spot and it was less than 20 dollars. YEAH!

It gets better. So much better. I got home from fixing the machine and found this in my basement... I really could not believe it...

What is that you ask? Why yes, it is a sewing table. Yes it is super sweet. Yes, yes it is.

Where did it come from? My husband.

GASP! Jesse came up with this gift idea on his own. His mom told him where to find it and what time and day to go to have the best chance of getting it. (My junk store is only open one weekend a month)

This is huge. I have my own little corner. Yes, I have a corner. Yeah for my corner and the perfect gift!

I was so thrilled I surprised him with these flowers. Oh wait, I was at Sam's Club and they were so beautiful, I bought them for the table.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Did you see that?

Driving home from preschool today Tate screamed, "Did you see that mom? It's a garage sale sign! We gotta go! We really gotta go! It's the first one!"

My heart jumped for joy. Two reasons for this: 1. The first Garage Sale of the season. 2. Tate understands and shares the joy and excitement that comes along with a great sale. (If Kiley would have been with us she would have jumped out of the car before I had it in park. In fact she was a bit miffed when she got home from school and heard about the sale.)

It turns out it was not a fantastic sale. The clothes were way overpriced and most of the household items were from the 80's. We are talking Friendly Homes Party decor here.

I did find one precious treasure. Here it is folks, my first garage sale purchase of 2010...

OK here it isn't. My computer is refusing to let me upload pictures again today. This is starting to make me mad and sad and some other emotions
False Alarm... Here they are... my $1 treasure. My new clip-ons!

The End of the World is Near

Tate took these pictures on Thursday. He told me he is a nature photographer. It think he needs his own camera...

He took this one in the front yard...

No more than a minute later he took these pictures in the back yard...

He came back screaming, "It's the end of the world! The end is near!" (I think he heard that in a movie once....)

We also found this nest. I took this picture. Lucky us...I think we earned some preschool bonus points. They were just studying robins the day before. :)

I was telling the lovely Bretta (next door) that I just love staying home with the kids and I wish I could do it everyday. She reminded me that I do. I do it all Summer and by July, I am itching to get back to work. I can't wait for summer vacation, but I have to. It is 8 1/2 weeks away!!!!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Clean Mama, Clean

Spring Break is here (for me) and the kids are back in school. (boo) It is time to power clean. I kicked my kitchen's butt today and cleaned every nook and cranny... Even that nasty place on top of the cabinets.

I didn't realize how great it looked until I came home from the restaurant and opened a drawer... no coffee grounds there. Opened the fridge... no juice splatters there. I almost climbed up on the counter to see if there was any new dust settling, but decided to just enjoy the clean.
Yeah for clean kitchens! What should I do tomorrow?

Monday, April 5, 2010

Oh Where Oh Where Has My Baby Gone?

So while Kiley was gone Tate and I had some very special time together. We had a chance to see How to Train Your Dragon ---3-D!

(Can't get this bugger to rotate!)

Aren't we brilliant in our 3-D Glasses!?

We went on a very special bike ride and even made it up the big hill...

We needed a break after that, though.

Tate bought an alarm clock at Goodwill and learned how to set it. April Fool's Day was the first day he used it. GREAT!!!

All week he told me that he liked being the only kid and he refused to talk to Sissy on the phone. Until Friday...

Tate wanted to ride his bike to Nana Rena's to find Sissy. Nana Rena lives 2 hours away...

Friday, April 2, 2010

Kissing a Goat

My dear sweet Kiley has been at Nana Rena's for a whole week. I am missing her to bits... While she was away, I happened across this article she wrote for Saber Press. I am in awe of her writing skills. She's only eight afterall! This girl ROCKS!

Kissing a Goat

by Kiley

Have you ever imagined your
principal kissing a goat?I bet you would have many questions. Well that is something Mr.Orlowsky principal of Sweeny did . If you ask me, I thought it was very funny. It was all because we reached our goal for food shelf. Some of the student council members got to collect food with the little red
wagon .There as a lot of food !
They brought two goats. They showed us on TV
from the media center. On the film we saw him with the goats. Now here it comes I could see there lips getting
Closer and closer. I was really exited
to see it happen and there it happened he kissed the goat. IT WAS SO COOL! I wonder what it felt like. I wonder if he has done it before. And after all
that I still have a lot of questions.