No... For weeks this monstrosity has been haunting our driveway. Blocking my otherwise perfect view of what everyone else in the neighborhood is doing. (Yes, I am nosey)
At first it was fun. We acted as though there was something exciting inside. I told the kids that if they could guess what was inside, it was all theirs...
some guesses:
~1 million hula hoops
~ a bike
~ a bed
~ a car
~ a puppy
Nope, sorry folks... the box is empty and we can't even play in it because we need a crow bar to open it.
So there it sat for weeks. People would drive by nice and slow, but nobody would take the darn thing. Finally, on Thursday a very interesting man came to get pick it up. Thank you very interesting man and equally interesting wife.
I don't care what strange thing you are using this for just drive safe and be on your way.