Hold onto your hats folks... this is the easiest project ever!
These cute T shirt totes have been all over the blog land for a while and I finally got around to making some... So here they are. We are talking 5 minutes worth of work and total cuteness.

Old Shirt
Pins (completely optional)
Scissors or rotary cutter or both (unless you are a savage beast and can rip knit...)
Dinner plate (or sharp eyeballing it technique)
Sewing machine and thread

Step 1: Cut the sleeves off of your T shirt. I know what you are thinking... this looks a little, well, how do I say this... "redneck." Please don't be offended. I hemmed and hawed about what term to use here and then realized that this is part of who I am, where I'm from and what I am proud of. This is a style my brother Jim (love you...) is completely comfortable sporting, and I can show you how to jazz it up next week...

Come on, you know you want one... Take 5 minutes. Make one or ten!