I love May Day!
Today was one of those days where I did a ton and got nothing done. My house is a mess, my laundry is not folded and I can't remember if I took a shower. Today was one of those days that makes me realize how lucky I am to be a mom.
We made 20 little cone baskets today and gave them to our friends. Oh what fun!

Look at these pretty starburst... we found a pack with shades of pink and red!

We added left over favors from our wedding almost ten years ago!
(Time to start getting rid of some of this stuff!)

A close up of our final product. (Maybe too close)

Here we are at my Sister-in-Law Amira's house. The kids stood at the door for over a minute fighting over who would ring the bell.

And they are on the run... Trying not to get caught. (She did see us, but we took off!)

While we were out, I noticed that the lilacs are in full bloom. Grandma Susie and Grandpa Gary gave us permission to cut a few. I think we got carried away... This may not look like much, but we had arm fulls!

I have vases and jars everywhere and gave tons away to the neighbors.

The house smells AMAZING!

When I finished getting rid of/ putting away flowers, I thought... "Self, it is 4:30... You should really get moving on this house cleaning gig." Just then, Tate came running in and asked me to play street hockey. Who could say no to rollerblading in May?! So off we went!
What a wonderful May Day!
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